Traffic the other way also has an economic cause : swedes who commute to jobs in copenhagen can earn 20 % more disposable income , despite the tolls 走另一条路线也有经济方面的原因:除去税的话,瑞典人去哥本哈根工作能够挣到比原来还多20 %不止的可支配收入。
走: walk; go一条: a; an article; a carton; a b ...路线: route; itinerary; way; tail; ...另一条路: another road第一条路线: the first route我把另一条路探望: then took the other as just as fair明知一条路会引出另一条路: yet knowing how way leads on to way关掉;拐弯,离开…转入另一条路: turn off龙珠 z 真武道会 2 另一条路: dragon ball z shin budokai another road他已由另一条路回去: he returned another way一条路: oneway你本应在生活里选择另一条路: you could have chosen a different path in life专在某一条路线上营业的推销员。: routeman走另一极端, 竭尽全力: lean over backwards换一条路: change another road只有一条路: only one road两条路线: two lines 两条路线的斗争 struggle between two lines; two-line struggle打出一条路来: fight one's way总是有一条路: there is always a way打出一条路,奋勇前进: fight one’s way你走过的每一条路,: every path you take我朝第一条路眺望: and looked down one as far as i could向右转, 走右边一条路: bear to the right一条路一个孤独: a way a lone在雪中铲出一条路: shovel a path through the snow