

发音:   用"走出象牙塔"造句
  • looking out
  • 象牙塔:    ivory tower; lvory tower; the tower of ivory; tsct; unplug
  • 保龙象牙塔:    montblanc
  • 超级象牙塔:    upg
  • 鼠口不出象牙:    no ivory will come of a rat's mouth.; a filthy mouth can't utter decent language
  • 狗嘴里长不出象牙:    no ivory will come of a dog's mouth.; a cracked bell can never sound well.; a filthy mouth can't utter decent language.; no ivory issues from the mouth of a dog; one cannot expect to find elephant tusks in the mouth of a dog -- a mean fellow never speaks nice things.; one doesn't expect ivory from a dog's mouth.; you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.; you don't find ivory in a dog's mouth


  1. Modern newspaper shapes the chinese literati in all - direction , causes them to go out of the tower of ivory which is cut off from the rest of the world , to enter the society and to be the professional literati who are living on words and are called the pioneers of the new intellectual



  1. "走出深渊"英文
  2. "走出死亡陷阱"英文
  3. "走出西柏坡"英文
  4. "走出狭隘的圈子"英文
  5. "走出狭小的圈子"英文
  6. "走出硝烟的女神"英文
  7. "走出选择的误区"英文
  8. "走出亚洲"英文
  9. "走出一种更富现在都市感觉的"英文
  10. "走出衣柜"英文


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