Unusually for heresh , the town continues the tradition to this day 这一传统一直延续到今天,这在赫莱士是不多见的。
The kingdoms of the death lords , scattered throughout the lands of heresh , have lost all interest in furthering the plans of their one goddess , asha 零散分布于赫莱士土地上的亡者之国度,已然对促成其唯一神? ?亚莎的计划完全失去了兴趣。
士: bachelor a social stratum in ...赫莱士的霸主: the lord of heresh赫莱: helle阿莱士: rodrigo da costa alex华莱士: harold wallace; john wallace / jameer nelson; patrick wallace; randall wallace; ross wallace; wallace泼莱士: prasae阿赫莱: argele巴赫莱: bahlay拜赫莱: bahlah法赫莱: phahle哈赫莱: hachle赫莱宾: hlebin赫莱博: chlebo赫莱布: alexander hleb; aliaksandr hleb; vjatscheslaw hleb赫莱丁: hledin赫莱恩: geleyn赫莱迈: hleime赫莱纳: halena; helleiner赫莱斯: herles赫莱希: hlshin胡赫莱: chuchle捷赫莱: tehle赖赫莱: rakhlah米赫莱: mihle纳赫莱: nagele