赞比亚: Zambia国防军: national defence forces纳米比亚国防军: namibian defence force赞比亚国旗: flag of zambia巴布亚新几内亚国防军: papua new guinea defence force国防军: defenec forces; national defence forces; wehrmacht赞比亚国家批发公司: zambian national wholesale corp赞比亚国家药材公司: zambia national drug co., ltd赞比亚国民能源公司: zambia national energy赞比亚国营保险有限公司: zambia state insurance corp., ltd赞比亚国营飞机包租公司: nac; national air charters zambia ltd澳大利亚国防军) ~ (相关报道链接: australian defence force巴布亚新几内亚国防军司令: commander of papua new guinea defence force赞比亚: zambia◇赞比亚人 zambian德国国防军: reichswehr国防军报: honved ujsag国防军领袖: wb wehrmachtsbefehlshaber国防军司令: commander of defence forces后备国防军: reserve defence force联邦国防军: bundeswehr die; die bundeswehr; federal defence forces莫国防军: fadm南非国防军: sandf; south african defence forces南国防军: jna汤加国防军: togan defence force伯利兹国防军: belize defence force