To create the initialization and assignment expressions , you can use the assignment operator 若要创建初始化和赋值表达式,可以使用赋值运算符( = ) 。
You must provide an evaluation condition , but initialization and assignment expressions are optional 必须提供求值条件,但初始化表达式和赋值表达式为可选。
Find all references to the temp and replace them with the right - hand side of the assignment 找到所有引用这个变量的地方,并且将引用替换为这个变量赋值表达式的右边部分。
This includes code within a contained type , such as a nested class or an assignment expression in an enumeration 这些代码包括所包含的类型中的代码,如嵌套类或枚举中的赋值表达式。
An implicitly declared variable inside a functionthat is , one that appears on the left side of an assignment expression without the var keywordis a global variable 函数内隐式声明的变量(即出现在赋值表达式的左边不带var关键字的变量)是全局变量。