资源: natural resources; resource干事: a secretary in charge of sth ...人力资源监测干事: human resource monitoring officer人力资源开发干事: human resources development officer人力资源培用干事: human resources development officer高级人力资源监测干事: senior human resource monitoring officer信息资源管理规划干事: information resources management planning officer干事: work; do things 他在一家银行干事。 he works in a bank电源干扰: power interference无源干扰: passive jamming虚源干涉: image interference有源干扰: active jamming有源干扰物: active chaff有源干涉仪: active interferometer虚源干扰系数: image disturbance ratio资源: natural resources; resource 地下水资源 ground water resources; 动力资源 power resources; 农业资源 farm resources; 人力资源 manpower resources; 开发资源 exploit natural resources; 资源丰富 abound in natural resources; be rich in natural resources; 征收企业资源差别费税 levy a raw materials differential tax on enterprises; 未开采的资源 undeveloped natural resources; 未利用的资源 idle resources; 原料资源 raw material resources 电源干扰滤波器: line-frequency filter抗无源干扰能力: anti-passive jamming capability抗有源干扰能力: anti-active jamming capability异种干扰,异源干扰: heterologous interference党干事: party whip干事会: board of directors; steering committee总干事: secretary-general有源干涉滤波激光放大器: active interference filter laser amplifier有源干涉滤光激光放大器: active interference filter laser amplifier