Analyses on human resources factor of low achievement of state - owned enterprises 国企经营绩效低下的人力资本因素分析
The social capilal factors of contemporary rural labors ' social motility 当代农村劳动力社会流动过程中的社会资本因素
But capital factor is always playing an important role , which is the core of the theories of classical and new classical economy growth 但资本因素一直以来就扮演了一个重要角色。资本要素一直以来就是古典和新古典经济增长理论的核心。
The migration in china is restricted by many factors , of which the human capital such as schooling , skills can be a kind of immanent restriction 我国农村劳动力的流动受各种因素制约,而劳动力自身文化素质、职业技能等人力资本因素是内在制约,是制约农村劳动力向城市流动就业的关键因素。
The paper reviewed the history of risk & return measurements , analyzed their limitations , and advanced a more perfect measure : semi variance with capital factor 文中回顾了20世纪50年代以来投资风险与收益的计量历史,在分析了各种计量方法的缺陷之后,作者提出了更为理想的风险与收益计量方法? ?加入资本因素的半方差法。
资本: capital因素: factor; element资本因素;资本部分: capital element保本因素: break-even load factor成本因素: cost element; cost factor; cost related factor归本因素: idemfactor基本因素: fundamental factor; fundamental factot基本因素;基本面: fundamentals基本因素分析: fundamental analysis土地成本因素: land cost element本因: honin基本因素分析;基础分析: fundamental analysis资本还原因素: capital recovery factor资本回收因素: capital recovery factors本因坊: honinbo; honinbō本因妙: the initial impulse or causative stage of buddhahood本因坊道策: honinbo dosaku本因坊秀策: honinbo shusaku本因坊秀哉: honinbō shūsai本因坊战: honinbō基本因子: element factor考尔本因数: colburn factor名誉本因坊: houourable honinbos因素: s factor因素: factor; element 决定因素 decisive factor; 积极因素 positive factor; 关键因素 the key facter; 致病的因素 factor in the causation of disease; 社会因素 social factor; 主导因素 leading factor; 基本因素 essential element; 人的因素 the human factor; 调动一切积极因素 bring every positive factor into play; 考虑到各种因素 taking all factors into consideration; 决定战争的各种因素 various factors that determine the war; 勤奋和机遇是他成功的两大因素。 industry and opportunity were the chief factors in his success