

发音:   用"资料,资料"造句
  • data
  • 资料:    means
  • 资料:    1.(生产或生活的必需品) means 生产资料 means of production; capital goods; 生活资料 means of livelihood; consumer goods2.(依据的材料) data; material 参考资料 reference material; 搜集资料 gather material; collect data; 资料储存 storage of data; 资料处理 data processing; processing of data; 资料传播 dissemination of information;资料分析 data analysis; 资料检索 document retrieval;资料库 data bank; information bank; 资料室 reference room; 资料索引 source index
  • q资料:    q data
  • 查资料:    read up the literature
  • 错资料:    dirty data


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. 1mhz ac signal for testing very small capacitor and inductance
  2. Each session consists of a brief quiz on assigned readings that provide background to the lab , a lecture that expands on the readings , and that week ' s laboratory
  3. As the computer system of a company usually contains confidential or commercially sensitive information , any misuse or tampering could cause money loss to the company or damage its reputation
  4. Sufficient information on the function of the habitat , from a comprehensive literature review and detailed assessment , should be provided in the eia , and demonstration of the feasibility of the proposed ecological mitigation measures should be required
  5. Collect personal data , which is directly related to our functions or activities . the personal data being collected should be adequate for such purpose , but not excessive . it shall be collected by means , which are lawful and fair in the circumstances of the case


        资料:    means
        资料:    1.(生产或生活的必需品) means 生产资料 means of production; capital goods; 生活资料 means of livelihood; consumer goods2.(依据的材料) data; material 参考资料 reference material; 搜集资料 gather material; collect data; 资料储存 storage of data; 资料处理 data processing; processing of data; 资料传播 dissemination of information;资料分析 data analysis; 资料检索 document retrieval;资料库 data bank; information bank; 资料室 reference room; 资料索引 source index
        q资料:    q data
        查资料:    read up the literature
        错资料:    dirty data
        发资料:    to issue material
        根资料:    root datum
        古资料:    paleo-data
        或资料:    matter
        旅团 资料:    hxh
        披露(资料):    disclosure
        无资料:    na
        要资料:    to ask for information
        元资料:    digital geospatial metadata; metadata
        增添(资料):    append
        知识;资料:    information (d05/l04)
        周资料:    weekly data
        资料板:    data tablet
        资料包:    briefing kit
        资料表:    data sheet; datatable; msds; tables
        资料册:    data book; display book; hj-36
        资料窗:    data window
        资料袋:    file envelope; information pack; media kit
        资料档:    file 1
        资料段:    data block


  1. "资良"英文
  2. "资料"英文
  3. "资料-第二篇"英文
  4. "资料(数字或其他材料)"英文
  5. "资料(文体)检索"英文
  6. "资料;基准;水深基准;低潮水深"英文
  7. "资料安全"英文
  8. "资料安全保障"英文
  9. "资料板"英文
  10. "资料包"英文


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