资产: property; means的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...估计: estimate; evaluate; take sto ...使用年限: service life分配: distribution; allocation; as ...其: his应: answer; respond to; echo计: count; compute; calculate; n ...折旧: depreciation数额: number; amount; quota估计使用年限: estimate useful life; estimated service life; estimated useful life折旧资产使用年限分类制: class life assets depreciation range system资产的估计有用年限: estimated useful life of an asset错误估计使用年限: service life misestimates应计折旧年限: depreciable life; depreciation life设计使用年限: design life预计使用年限: expected useful life; probable life应计折旧资产的出售: disposal of depreciable assets估计使用年期: estimated useful life应计折旧资产: depreciable assets设计使用期;设计使用年限: design life公司间应计折旧资产的内部利润: inter-company profit on depreciable assets预计使用年限(有效使用寿命): expected service life按使用年限折旧: age depreciation按使用年限折旧法: age life method; age-life method; service life depreciation method