

发音:   用"费一番唇舌"造句
  • take a lot of explaining or arguing
  • :    fee; expense; expenditure; d ...
  • 唇舌:    lips and tongue argument; ta ...
  • 费一番苦功才学会:    learn the hard way
  • 唇舌:    1.(唇和舌) lips and tongue2.(比喻言辞) argument; talking round; words; persuasion; plausible speech 费一番唇舌 take a lot of explaining or arguing; 徒费唇舌 a waste of breath3.[昆虫] ligula; 唇舌基 tubus
  • 一番:    bout; feeling-song


        :    fee; expense; expenditure; d ...
        唇舌:    lips and tongue argument; ta ...
        费一番苦功才学会:    learn the hard way
        唇舌:    1.(唇和舌) lips and tongue2.(比喻言辞) argument; talking round; words; persuasion; plausible speech 费一番唇舌 take a lot of explaining or arguing; 徒费唇舌 a waste of breath3.[昆虫] ligula; 唇舌基 tubus
        一番:    bout; feeling-song
        侧唇舌:    laminaexterns; paraglossa
        唇舌的:    labiolingual
        唇舌基:    tubus
        下唇舌:    labium-hypopharynx
        中唇舌:    glassa; glossa
        运费一览表:    schedule of freight rates
        春一番:    haru ichiban
        斗一番:    photos of animals &plants
        翻一番:    our income must be doubled; verdoppeln
        味一番:    aji ichiban
        一番星:    off vocal; ova toheart2 op; suara
        一番濑:    ichibagase; ichibangase; ichimagase
        中一番:    chūka ichiban
        白费唇舌:    waste one's breath; waste one’s breath
        唇舌粘连:    glossopexy
        唇舌紫暗:    dark purple lips and tongue; purple and dark tongue body
        大费唇舌:    long harangue; a lot of talking; make a long harangue; ranting speech; take a lot of talking to convince
        前中唇舌:    preglossa
        徒费唇舌:    a waste of breath ligula
        枉费唇舌:    be a mere waste of breath



  1. "费耶特县"英文
  2. "费耶特县 (宾夕法尼亚州)"英文
  3. "费耶韦瑟"英文
  4. "费耶效应"英文
  5. "费页特维"英文
  6. "费一番苦功才学会"英文
  7. "费依"英文
  8. "费伊"英文
  9. "费伊阿西"英文
  10. "费伊贝恩特"英文


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