The trade gap between imports and exports remained high . 进出口贸易差额依然很大。
This is likely to improve our trade balance, bringing it back to its initial position . 这多半会改善我们的贸易差额,使它回复到最初的状况。
This will tend to raise imports, worsen the trade balance, and weaken the domestic currency . 这会增加进口,使贸易差额恶化并使本国货币疲软。
Whatever initially tends to improve the trade balance will tend to appreciate the home currency . 凡开始会改善贸易差额的,都会使本国货币涨价。
The attention of government was turned away from guarding against the exportation of gold and silver, to watch over the balance of trade . 政府的注意力,从对金银输出的监视转到对贸易差额的监视。
贸易: trade差额: difference; balance; margin; ...贸易差额论: theory of the balance of trade出超贸易差额: balance of export trade粗略贸易差额: crude trade gap国际贸易差额: balance of international trade; balance of trade (bot)国家贸易差额: country's balance of trade互许贸易差额: swing balance贸易差额暗淡: trade gap gloom商品贸易差额: merchandise trade balance无形贸易差额: invisible balance; invisible trade balance有形贸易差额: visible balance; visible trade balance; visible trade gap贸易差额, 贸易平衡: trade balance贸易差额;贸易平衡: balance of trade贸易差额理论史: balance of trade history of the theory; balance of trade, history of the theory贸易差额,国际贸易平衡: balance of trade摆动信贷, 互许贸易差额: swing credits进出口贸易差额依然很大: the trade gap between imports and exports remained high指本国货币贬值后,贸易差额暂时恶化: j-curve effect互许贸易差: swing credit官方储备交易差额: official reserve transaction balance国际旅游贸易差: foreign tourism balance进出口贸易差距: trade gap贸易净差额: net balance of trade贸易收支差额: balance of foreign trade; balance on trade account; trade balance