Amount of investment in fixed assets refers to the volume of activities in construction and purchses of fixed assets in monetary terms 固定资产投资额是以货币表现的建造和购置固定资产活动的工作量,它是反映固定资产投资规模、速度、比例关系和使用方向的综合性指标。
But contract payments on property , plant and equipment purchased or on construction - in - progress for construction to be used in operation should be classified under property , plant and equipment 但因购置固定资产而依约预付之款项及备供营业使用之未完工程营造款,应列入固定资产项下。
Other investment in fixed assets : : refers to the construction and purchases of fixed assets not listed in the investment incapital construction , investment in innovation and investment in real estate development 其他固定资产投资:全社会固定资产投资中未列入基本建设、更新改造和房地产开发投资的建造和购置固定资产的活动。
购置: purchase固定资产: fixed assets闲置固定资产: idle fixed assets长期闲置固定资产: long term idle fixed assets零星固定资产购置: acquiring minor items of fixed assets处置固定资产净收益: net income on disposal of fixed assets购置及使用固定资产而产生的费用支出: expenditures subsequent to acquisition and use固定资产: fixed assets; capital assets; permanent assets◇固定资产税 imposition of taxes on fixed assets; fixed assets tax; 固定资产投资 fixed investments固定资产表: dynamic sheet of fixed assets; fixed-asset schedule固定资产税: fixed a ets tax; fixed assets tax固定资产帐: fixed assets ledger新固定资产: new fixed assets备用固定资产: spare-fixed assets封存固定资产: fixed assets sealed and stored固定资产比率: fixed assets ratio固定资产变卖: disposal of fixed assets; sale of fixed assets; sales of fixed assets固定资产残值: salvage value of fixed assets; scrap value of fixed assets固定资产测试: fixed asset test固定资产成本: fixed assets cost固定资产纯额: net fixed assets固定资产大修: capital repairs of fixed assets固定资产贷款: fixed asset loans固定资产单位: fixed assets unit; fixed-asset unit固定资产构成: composition of fixed asset固定资产估价: valuation of fixed assets; valuationoffixeda ets