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When you factor this into the analysis , software sales of the largest vendors represent around 20 percent of all buyers ' spending 如果考虑到这个因素,那么大型软件企业的销售额只占企业购买费用的20左右。
The paper is the first to integrate the problem of payingthe purchasing cost in delay to the model . it proposes inventory control modelsfor finding the optimal order policy under three rules of the delayed payment 同时,将购买费用的滞后支付首次引入到该模型,提出了在三种不同的滞后支付规则下寻求最优订货策略的库存控制模型。
购买: purchase费用: cost; expenses; outlay购买部费用: purchasing department expense购买黄金费用: expense involved in buying gold购买证券费用: securities charges购买光盘费用项目: purchase disc-expense items购买: purchase; buy; emption 到别处购买 buy elsewhere; 从某人处购买某物 buy from [of] sb.; 购买礼品 gift purchases; 现金购买 ready-money purchase; 他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本。 he gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.; 购买袋 [英国] carrier bag; 购买动机 buying motive; 购买价格 purchasing price; 购买款 purchase money; 购买热潮 rush; 购买税 purchase tax; 购买限额 buying quota; 购买欲 desire to buy; desire to purchase; 购买证 authority to purchase; purchasing receipt; 购买中心 shopping center费用: cost; expenses; outlay 生产费用 production cost; 生活费用 cost of living; living expenses; 结婚费用 marriage expenses; 战争费用 the expense of a war; 旅游费用 tourist expenditure; 工作费用 working expenditure; 削减费用 curtail expenditure; whittle down cost; 不计 ... 的费用 eliminate the expense for ...; 追加费用 additional expense; 费用高得使人不敢问津。 the expense is prohibitive. 这本书收不回它的出版费用。 the book will not pay its publishing expenses 采购,购买: einkaufen, das反购买: counter purchase购买,进货: purchase购买(货): purchases购买,采购: purchasing购买,购置: purchase购买;买: buy购买袋: carrier bag购买单: local purchase order购买点: point of purchase (pop); purchase center购买法: purchase methed; purchase method购买方: purchaser购买价: acquisition price; purchase price购买款: purchase money购买力: purchasing [buying] power; buy◇购买力平价 purchasing power parity; 购买力平价理论 theory of purchasing power parity; 购买力平价说 purchasing power parity theory购买品: purchase购买区: func_buyzone