壶: kettle; pot强欲之壶: pot of greed贪欲: belly; greedinessrapacity; heit een; lust; pot of avarice; rapacity受贪欲: be motivated by greed fear love etc贪欲的: concupiscentrapacious; greedy; lustful; rapacious贪欲者: horseleech外贪欲: sexual thoughts towards others than one's own wife or husband欲望, 贪欲: lust爱欲之港: hamnstad爱欲之果: mandragora爱欲之争: lust情欲之旅: cirque du soleil lovesick情欲之梦: enigma-erotic dreams; erotic dreams无欲之美: beauty in nothingness那些贪欲: out of greed贪欲无艺: there is no limit to lust and covetousness.; avarice and lust without limit无谋的贪欲: reckless greed以及贪欲: lust丹下左膳-百万两之壶: tange sazen hyakumanryou no tsubo对权利的贪欲: ravenous for power在贪欲中操纵你杀人的凶器: swing your murderous weapon into the belly贪赃: accept bribes; take bribes; practise graft贪赃枉法: take bribes and bend the law; accept money for letting sb. break the law; line one's pockets by taking bribes and break the law; pervert justice for a bribe; twist the law in order to obtain bribes贪竹丛鼠: greedy olalla rat贪嘴: gluttonous; greedy贪嘴丧生: gluttonous at the expense of life; dig one's grave with one's teeth