

发音:   用"贪图暴利"造句
  • profiteer
  • 贪图:    seek; hanker after; covet
  • 暴利:    exorbitant profits
  • 贪图:    seek; hanker after; covet 贪图金钱的人 a man greedy for money; 贪图名利 hanker after fame and gains
  • 暴利:    sudden huge profits; an exorbitant profit; extravagant profits 牟取暴利 reap staggering profits; reap colossal profits; 在这笔买卖中获取暴利 make a great profit on the transaction
  • 西雅图暴风:    seattle storms


        贪图:    seek; hanker after; covet
        暴利:    exorbitant profits
        贪图:    seek; hanker after; covet 贪图金钱的人 a man greedy for money; 贪图名利 hanker after fame and gains
        暴利:    sudden huge profits; an exorbitant profit; extravagant profits 牟取暴利 reap staggering profits; reap colossal profits; 在这笔买卖中获取暴利 make a great profit on the transaction
        西雅图暴风:    seattle storms
        暴利税:    anti-profiteering tax; windfall profit tax; windfall profits tax
        反暴利:    anti-profiteering
        获暴利:    coin money; make a killing
        贪图安乐:    seek ease and comfort; desire for an easy and comfortable life; crave for (a life of) ease and comfort; love of personal comfort; want to sit pretty all the time
        贪图安逸:    hanker after [for] an easy and comfortable life; seek ease and comfort
        贪图便利:    choose the easy way
        贪图富贵:    desire wealth and honour greatly
        贪图侥幸的:    aleatory
        贪图口腹:    pamper one's appetite
        贪图名利:    hanker after fame and gains
        贪图享乐:    love of pleasure; indulge in a life of pleasure and comfort
        贪图享受:    seek ease and comfort
        贪图小利:    be greedy for small gains; seek (for) trifling advantages
        暴利的获得:    profiteering
        暴利行为:    act of usury
        超额暴利:    excess windfall profit
        反暴利税:    anti-profiteering tax
        获暴利者:    profiteer
        获取暴利者:    laundrist
        攫取暴利:    grab fabulous profit; rake in exorbitant profits


  1. "贪天之功据为己有"英文
  2. "贪图"英文
  3. "贪图安乐"英文
  4. "贪图安逸"英文
  5. "贪图安逸享乐"英文
  6. "贪图便利"英文
  7. "贪图富贵"英文
  8. "贪图个人享受"英文
  9. "贪图侥幸的"英文
  10. "贪图金钱的人"英文


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