Methods isolates were identified as acinetobacter calcoaceticus by using antibiotic susceptibility test , plasmid profiles , restriction enzyme fingerprinting assay and plasmid elimination method 方法对我院不动杆菌的感染进行调查,采用药敏试验、质粒抽提和限制性核酸内切酶分析法、质粒消除试验。
To determine the plasmid function , the experiment is done to cure the plasmid from the cell , which will cause some change on the strain physiology . the result show that after curing the plasmid , the strain cell cannot grow on the selective medium containing nitrobenzene 为了考察质粒的功能,进行了质粒消除实验,结果表明,质粒消除后的菌株细胞难以在硝基苯选择培养基上生长,表明这个质粒是与硝基苯的降解代谢过程有关的。
With high concentration of sds and elevated temprature ( 43 ) , we succeeded in eliminating plasmids from ten strains of s . aureus which were isolated from the farms of beijing suburb . according to the sensitivity test before and after plasmid remoral , we found that 72 . 5 antibiotic resistance of s . aureus was mediated by plasmids , and 27 . 5 encoded by chromosome . the curing test indicated that the plasmids play an important role in coding the resistance to antibiotics 从北京郊区鸡场分离到10株耐药性金黄色葡萄球菌,对这些菌株进行质粒消除,根据质粒消除前后的耐药性检测,发现耐各种药物的抗性基因大多数位于质粒上,少部分抗性基因位于染色体上,由质粒介导的耐药基因占72 . 5 % ,由染色体编码的抗性基因占27 . 5 % ,说明质粒在决定对抗生素的抵抗性中起主要作用。