

发音:   "质疑问难"的汉语解释   用"质疑问难"造句
  • ask doubtful questions and inquire into difficult problems; raise doubts and difficult questions for discussion
  • 问难癖, 疑问性精神病:    folie du pourquoi
  • 问难:    (of academic research) question and argue repeatedly
  • 质疑:    call in question; query 对他的说法提出质疑 query [question] the validity of his statement
  • 问难癖:    folie du pourquoi
  • 疑问:    query; question; problem; doubt 对 ... 的重要性有疑问 question the importance of ...; 毫无疑问 doubtless; without a doubt; beyond (all) question; out of question; past question; without question; 他的诚实是毫无疑问的。 there is no question about his honesty.; 疑问句 interrogative sentence; question


  1. It includes both informal activities of figuring things out driven by innate curiosity and formal investigations made in the field of a subject in a special way
  2. The main content of the experiment is " opening up and independence are teaching symptom of exploratory reading , raising questions are its teaching emphasis , innovating in thought is its teaching core "
    实验的主要内容为: “开放自主是探究性阅读的教学表征,质疑问难是探究性阅读的教学重点,思维创新是探究性阅读的教学核心” 。
  3. We think it necessary to tightly grasp the three different sections , which are intuitional thought , emanative thought , and inspirational thought , as follows : firstly , create and map out the psychological atmosphere and guide the students " reading , to culture the students " intuitional thought , secondly , find out the difficulty and solve it , and activate the imagination , to culture the emanative thought , thirdly , through the two methods of the relaxation and question - scenes , to culture the students " inspirational thought
    创造性思维培养可以从不同方面开展。我们认为必须牢牢抓住直觉思维、发散思维和灵感思维这三个不同侧面: (一)创设心理氛围和指导朗读,培养学生的直觉思维; (二)质疑问难和激发想像,培养学生的发散思维: (三)运用松心法和问题情境法,培养学生的灵感思维。



        质疑问难的日语:〈成〉難しい問題を出して討論する. 在课堂讨论中,大家都聚精 jùjīng 会神地质疑问难,辨明是非 shìfēi /クラスの討論会では,みんなが熱心に意見を出し合い,是非をはっきりさせる.
        质疑问难的韩语:【성어】 질의 토론하다. 의심나거나 어려운 문제들을 제기하고 서로 토론하다.
        质疑问难什么意思:zhì yí wèn nàn 【解释】提出疑难,请教别人或一起讨论。 【出处】《汉书·陈遵传》:“竦居贫,无宾客,时有好事者从之质疑问事,论道经书而已。” 【示例】我们数学老师讲课生动活泼,常常采用~和方法。 【拼音码】zywn 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;用于人好思


  1. "质疑法"英文
  2. "质疑监察"英文
  3. "质疑控制"英文
  4. "质疑你那些(从来不加思索的)基本假定"英文
  5. "质疑视查"英文
  6. "质疑证人的可信度"英文
  7. "质因数"英文
  8. "质因数分解"英文
  9. "质因素"英文
  10. "质因子"英文


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