货物: goods; commodity; merchandis ...共同: common委员会: committee; commission; counc ...经济合作促进共同委员会: joint committee for the promotion of economic cooperation合同委员会: committee on contracts; contracts committee货物共同海损牺牲: general average sacrifice of cargo日内瓦合同委员会: geneva contracts committee外地合同委员会: field contracts committee货物共同海损分摊价值: contributory value of cargo货物共同海损分摊金额: general average contribution due to cargo货物共同海损牺牲金额: amount for general average sacrifice of cargo生物共同体: biotic community共同教育委员会: commission for general education欧洲共同体委员会: comminutor of the european communities; commission of the european communities; commission of the european community贸易法委员会货物: uncitral model law on procurement of goods construction and services浮游生物共同性: cosmopolitamism of plankton各委员会的共同主席: co-chairmen of the committees共同事务协商委员会: consultative committee on common services共同赞助组织委员会: committee of co-sponsor organizations欧洲共同体问题委员会: european community questions committee欧洲共同体仲裁委员会: commission on arbitration of the european community欧洲共同体主教团委员会: comece; commission of the episcopacies of the european community欧洲经济共同体委员会: commission of the european economic community设立共同合作委员会协定: agreement on the establishment of the council for joint cooperation实现和平共同对策委员会: korea committee against nmd tmd and for peace