

发音:   用"责任,负担"造句


        责任:    duty; responsibility
        负担:    bear; shoulder
        承保,负担…责任:    underwrite
        负担责任:    to assume the responsibility
        船方不负担责任:    shinot responsible
        负担事故的责任:    shoulder the responsibility for the accident
        合力负担, 连带责任:    solidum
        纳税责任;税务负担:    tax liability
        他负担最重的责任:    he carries the load in his office
        负担:    1.(承当) bear (a burden); shoulder 负担事故的责任 shoulder the responsibility for the accident; 负担费用 bear the expenses; 自己负担大学期间的全部费用 pay one's way through college; 旅费由东道国负担。 all the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country.2.(承受的责任) burden; load; encumbrance; freight 财政负担 financial burden; 家庭负担 family burden (esp. financial); 减轻学生负担 lighten the students' load; 精神[思想] 负担 mental burden; load on one's mind; 工作负担 load of work; work load; 负担法则 (租税) law of incidence; 负担系数 dependency coefficient
        责任:    1.(应做的事) duty; responsibility 责任重大 have a grave responsibility; 负完全责任 assume full responsibility2.(应承担的过失) responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame 推卸责任 shift the blame onto others; 追究责任 ascertain where the responsibility lies; 责任保险 liability insurance; 责任保险承保人 liability insurer; 责任保险费 liability insurance premium; 责任范围 extent of liability; 责任感 sense of responsibility; consciousness of responsibility; 责任能力 capacity for duties; 责任年龄 age of responsibility; 责任起讫 commencement and termination of cover; 责任事故 liability accident; accident out of negligence; accident due to negligence; 责任田 responsibility fields; fixed-output-quota farmland; 责任心 sense of responsibility
        负担,负责:    take charge of
        负担,承担:    afford
        负担额:    liability
        负担量:    amount of load; amount ofload
        负担性:    affordability
        负担者:    bearer
        强性,负担:    imposition
        使负担:    be saddled with; freight; inflict; saddle
        税;负担:    tax
        我负担:    phero=i bear
        由…负担:    to be borne by
        重负担:    hd
        税务负担;税项负担:    tax burden
        责任,责任心:    responsibility


  1. "责任"英文
  2. "责任(目标导向的)"英文
  3. "责任,负责"英文
  4. "责任,义务"英文
  5. "责任、荣誉、国家"英文
  6. "责任,义务,倾向,债务"英文
  7. "责任,义务,职责"英文
  8. "责任,责任心"英文
  9. "责任,责任心;职责"英文
  10. "责任,债务"英文


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