财: wealth; property; valuables星: star五: five百: a surname大: big; large财星全球五百大企业: fortune global 500全球五百大: fortune global 500全球五百大企业: global 500财星: fortune滚石杂志五百大专辑: rolling stone's 500 greatest albums of all time百大: barmax五百: eozumi; five hundred; fivehundred; yuo财星500: fortune 500土星五号: saturn v昆百大: kunming department store (group) company limited财星高照: how to succeed in business without really trying; the horse's mouth; the sign of wealth财星日报: fortune daily news财星杂志: fortune五百遍: five hundred times五百藏: iokura; iorai; ioroi; iozo; iyoroi五百川: imokawa; iokawa五百次: ioji五百井: ioi; ionoi; isai; isaki; isoi五百里: five hundered miles; five hundred miles; iori; miles五百利: iori