财政: finance金融: finance; banking综合: synthesize培训: cultivate; train项目: item; article; clause; subje ...财政金融综合政策: fiscal monetary mix培训项目: item of training; training item财政金融: finance & banking; finance and banking; financial work; public finance and finance财政金融组: fiscal and financial branch会计培训项目: programme: training of accounting财政金融部门: financial and monetary sector; monetary and financial sector财政金融垄断: financial monopoly财政金融数据: financial data财政金融体制: financial and banking system财政金融危机: financial and monetary crisis财政金融学院: financial and monetary institute财政金融政策: fiscal and monetary policy工业发展培训项目: industrial development training project骨干老师培训项目: resource teacher training program管理人员培训项目: executive training program财政金融法制司: financial & banking legal system department财政金融体制改革: financial and monetary restructuring中央财政金融学院: central institute of finance and banking; central university of finance and economics领导效力强化培训项目: lead财政金融政策相结合: fiscal-monetary mix