财政: finance稳: steady; stable; firm交: hand over; give up; deliver健全: sound; sane; perfect财政健全: financial integrity财政稳定: financial stability财政稳健: healthy financial position财政稳健政策: financial prudence财政: (国家对资财的收入与支出的管理活动) (public) finance; government finance; public economy 财政金融危机 financial and monetary crisis; 调整财政 adjust the finance; 改善国家财政 improve the finance of the country; 财政混乱 troubled finance; 财政公开 make public the administration of finance; 财政纪律松驰。 financial discipline is lax.; 财政包干 be responsible for one's finance; fiscal responsibility system; 财政拨款 allocating funds without a price tag; funds allocated from the state treasury; financial allocations; budgetary allocations; 财政补帖 financial subsidies; fiscal subsidies; state subsidies; 财政部长 the minister of finance; 财政长期债券 treasury bonds; 财政赤字 financial deficits; budgetary deficit; 财政独立 independent finances; 财政法 the financial law; law of (public) finance; 财政法案 finance bill; 财政法规 financial laws and regulations; 财政分级管理 transference of financial management responsibilities to the various levels; 财政分散制 fiscal decentralization; 财政关税 financial duty; revenue duty; revenue tariff; 财政管理 management through finance; fiscal administration; 财政红利 financial bonus; 财政基金 financial funds; 财政机构 fiscal institution; 财政纪律 financial regulations; 财政监督 financial supervision; fiscal control; 财政监督管理 financial supervision and control; 财政结余 surplus in the budget; financial surplus; 财政金融学院 financial and monetary institute; 财政经济委员会 financial and economic committee; 财政局 bureau of finance; 财政困难 financial straits or difficulties; 财政年度 financial year; fiscal year; 财政实力 fiscal solvency; 财政税收体制 fiscal and taxation system; 财政税收 fiscal levy; 财政收入 revenue; financial revenue; state revenue; fiscal revenue; budgetary income; 财政收支包干 contract system on revenue and expenditure; contribution of revenue to the central government and coverage of expenditure by fixed amounts; 财政收支平衡 balancing budgetary revenues and expenditures; fiscal balance; balance between state revenue and expenditure; 财政 (年度)收支预算 the estimates (英国财政大臣每年提交议会的国家支出预算); 财政条件 financial terms; 财政厅 provincial department of finance; 财政危机 financial crisis; 财政稳健政策 financial prudence; 财政信贷 financial credit; 财政虚收 nominal revenues; 财政学 the science of finance; 财政预算 financial budget; 财政政策 financial [fiscal] policy; fiscal policy; 财政支出 financial expenditure; 财政制度 fiscal system; 财政资助 finanical support健全的财政状况: financial integrity健全性;稳健性;财政上可行性: viability财政部: the ministry of finance◇财政部证券 treasury bill财政处: fdb财政的: cameralistic; financial adj; fiscal; purse-string财政法: finance act; finance law; financial law; fiscal law财政官: camerlengo; camerlingo财政及: financial and budgetary provisions财政家: financier财政局: finance bureau; financial bureau; financial management bureau; local bureau of finance财政论: theory of public finance财政年: financial year财政上: financially财政署: direction du tresor财政税: revenue tax财政司: finance department; finance division; financial secretary