财政: finance特派员: special agent; accredited pe ...特派员: commissioner; ecial corre ondent; special correspondent; yr1670海外特派员: foreign correspondent憨豆特派员: johnny english稽察特派员: special commissioner for supervision; special inspectors乒乓特派员: balls of fury凸捶特派员: johnny english王牌特派员: the cable guy专员,特派员: commissioner财政特权: fiscal privileges保险特派员处: office of the commissioner of insurance (oci)模特儿特派员: made in paris特派员办事处: special commissioner's office政府的特派员: commissioner审计署驻成都特派员办事处: chao‘s chengdu resident office审计署驻上海特派员办事处: cnao‘s shanghai resident office审计署驻深圳特派员办事处: cnao‘s shenzhen resident office审查联合国及各专门机构财政特设专: hoc committee of experts to examine特派: specially appointed◇特派代表 special representative; 特派记者 special correspondent; accredited journalist; 特派员 special agent; accredited person; special; delegate; emissary审查联合国和各专门机构财政特设专家委员会: ad hoc committee of experts to examine the finances of the united nations and the specializedagencies; hoc committee of experts to examine the finances of the united nations and the specializedagencies审查联合国及各专门机构财政特设专家委员会: adhoccommitteeofexpertstoexaminethefinancesoftheunitednationsandthespecializedagencies签派员: aircraft dispatcher; despatcher; dispatcher行政特区: special administration area行政特权: br /90.executive privilege; executive privilege