财政: finance司法: administration of justice; j ...团: dumpling条例: regulations; rules; ordinanc ...财政司法团: financial secretary incorporated财政司法团事务组: financial secretary incorporated scheme section财政司法团暂记帐: financial secretary incorporated suspense account财政司司长法团: financial secretary incorporated财政司司长法团暂记帐: financial secretary incorporated suspense account财政司: finance department; finance division; financial secretary转归财政司司长法团的物业: properties vested in the financial secretary incorporated行政司法: administrative justice行政司法官: sheriff财政司司长: director of the finance division; financial secretary经济和财政司: economic and financial affairs department; economics and finance division行政司法官助理: sheriff subsitude治安官, 行政司法长官: conservator of the peace财政司司长办公室: financial secretary's office财政司司长唐英年: henry tang ying-yen, financial secretary公共行政和财政司: division of public administration and finance经济和财政司司长: directeur des affaires economiques et financieres; director of economic and financial affairs州和地方财政司: office of state and local finance公司法, 公司条例: act of company公司法和条例: corporate laws and regulations财政监督条例: the regulations on financial supervision