

发音:   用"财务条例"造句


  1. Resolution under the section 29 of the public finance ordinance cap . 2
  2. Resolution under the section 7 of the public finance ordinance cap . 2
    根据公共财务条例第2章第7 1条动议的决议案


        财务:    finance; financial affairs
        条例:    regulations; rules; ordinanc ...
        财务条例和细则:    financial regulations and rules
        联合国财务条例:    financial regulations of the united nations
        财务条例和细则工作组:    working grouon financial regulations and rules
        警务条例:    statut de la police
        矿务条例:    mining ordinance
        商务条例:    commercial code
        税务条例:    inland revenue ordinance cap.112; tax regulations
        业务条例:    code of practice
        国际刑事法庭财务条例草案:    financial regulations of the international criminal court draft
        开发计划署财务条例和细则:    und financial regulations and rules
        联合国开发计划署财务条例和细则:    financial regulations and rules of the united nations development programme
        修订世界粮食计划署总条例和财务条例不限:    open-ended working grouon the revision of wfp's general and financial regulations
        联邦垦务条例:    federal reclamation laws
        税务条例执行事宜:    tax compliance matters
        条例:    regulations; rules; ordinances; imperative 安全条例 safety regulations; 组织条例 organic rules; 试行条例 trial regulations; tentative regulations; 条例生效日期 effective date of regulations; 条例草案 draft regulations
        任务条:    taskbar
        财务:    finance; financial affairs 他对财务一窍不通。 he does not understand finance at all. 这个公司的财务管理得很得法。 the company was skillfully financed.; 财务包干制 system of fixed quotas for revenues and expenditures; financial constructed system; 财务报表 financial statement; 财务报表[告]分析 analysis of finacial statement; 财务报告 financial statement; financial report; 财务比率 financial ratios; 财务补偿 financial indemnity; 财务大检查 general check-up on the financial work; 财务代理人 fiscal agent; 财务调查 investigation on fiscal operations; 财务分析 financial analysis; 财务高级管理人员 financial executive; 财务官 steward; 财务管理 financial control; management through finance; 财务混乱 general chaos in bookkeeping; 财务纪律 discipline relating to financial affairs; 财务监督 financial supervision; 财务结算 financial settlement; 财务经理 finance manager; 财务开支 financial expense; 财务科 finance section; 财务会计(学) financial accounting; 财务会计制度 financial and accounting rules; 财务调整 financial adjustment; 财务帐户 accounts of finance; 财务整顿 straightening out of financial affairs; putting financial affairs in order; setting financial affairs to right; 财务支出 fiscal charges; 财务主管机关 financial executive institute; 财务状况表 balance sheet
        服务条件:    condition of service; condition of sevice; condition service; conditionofsevice; conditions of service
        服务条款:    term of service; terms of service; tos
        内务条令:    routine service regulations
        商务条款:    commerce clause
        商务条约:    commercial pact
        税务条约:    tax treaty



  1. "财务司"英文
  2. "财务司司长办公室"英文
  3. "财务所表审计"英文
  4. "财务体系"英文
  5. "财务体制改革"英文
  6. "财务条例和细则"英文
  7. "财务条例和细则工作组"英文
  8. "财务厅"英文
  9. "财务厅账户司"英文
  10. "财务挺率;杠率,财务杠杆作用"英文


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