财务: finance; financial affairs与: take part in; participate in总务: general affairs; general ser ...管理与总务费用: management and general expenses财务和总务: financial and general services财务与会计: the portable mba in finance and accounting财务和总务司: financeandgeneralservicesdivision财务与资产处: division of finance and property财务与成本分析: financial and cost analysis财务与管理会计: financial and managerial accounting国际财务与会计: c daf总务: 1.(机关、 学校中的行政杂务) general affairs; general services 他管总务。 he is in charge of the general affairs.2.(负责行政杂务的人) person in charge of general affairs; 总务科 general affairs section; 总务人员 general affairs personnel; 总务司 general service department财务与管理会计导论: introduction to financial and managerial accounting存货财务与经济分析: financial analysis of purchasing-inventory strategy国际财务与会计证书: cdaf国际财务与会计资格证书: cdaf企业财务与资本营运: study of the history of islands in the south chi na sea现代公司财务与投资管理: modern corporation finance & investment management; modern corporation finance &investment management美国酒店及旅游业财务与科技专业人员: hftp事务, 总务: general affairs总务部: administration/general affairs dept; administration/generalaffairsdept; general affairs department; gsd general services department总务长: dean of general affairs; deanofgeneralaffairs; director in charge of general affairs总务处: general affairs dept; general affairs office; general department; general office; office of general services总务费: expenses of common services总务股: general services unit