

发音:   用"负重担"造句


  1. All lay loads on a willing horse
  2. You ' re iike a big burden on my back
  3. It sounds like you have just accomplished some project and feel like a big burden has been lifted off your shoulders


        负重:    bear a heavy burden; carry a ...
        :    a carrying pole and the load ...
        负重担, 麻烦:    be burdened with
        负重担的人:    atlas
        良驹负重担:    all roads lead to rome
        身负重担:    to bear a heavy burden
        使负重担:    be burdened with ..; tax
        受骗;使负重担:    be stuck; get stuck
        乐于肩负重担:    be ready to take on heavy responsibilities
        强健的肩负重担:    amos
        重担:    heavy burden; heavy load; heavy responsibility; difficult task 把重担子留给自己 take the difficult tasks for oneslef; 肩上的重担 a heavy load on one's shoulders; 抢挑重担 rush to shoulder heavy responsibilities; 勇于挑重担 be ever ready to bear a heavy load on one's shoulders
        负重:    bear a heavy burden; carry a heavy load on one's back; endure humiliation in order to carry out an important mission; weight; load 负重竞走 loaded footrace; 负重机器人 exoskeleton; 负重轮 bogie wheel; loading wheel; 负重训练 weight training
        担重担:    bear a heavy burden; carry the ball
        付…重担:    be burdened with
        负荷,重担:    carry weight
        挑起…重担:    burden 1
        挑重担:    shoulder heavy loads; take on a heavy job
        重担,负荷:    burden
        重负,重担:    burden
        负重船:    lifting craft
        负重带:    weight belt
        负重的:    laden
        负重叠:    under lap
        负重荷:    bear a heavy burden
        负重轮:    bogie wheel; bottom roller; loading wheel; road wheel



  1. "负质子"英文
  2. "负中心"英文
  3. "负重"英文
  4. "负重船"英文
  5. "负重带"英文
  6. "负重担, 麻烦"英文
  7. "负重担的人"英文
  8. "负重的"英文
  9. "负重登台阶"英文
  10. "负重叠"英文


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