负责: be responsible for; be in ch ...税务司: customs commissioner的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...助理: assistant司法部长: attorney general负责行政和司法管理司的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for administration and justice management division负责反托拉斯司的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for antitrust division负责民权司的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for civil right division负责民事司的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for civil division负责土地和自然资源司的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for land and natural resources division负责刑事司的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for criminal division负责法律顾问局的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for office of legal counsel负责法律事务局的助理司法部长: assistant attorney general for office of legislative affairs助理司法部长: assistant attorney general; deputy attorney general负责税收分析的助理财政部长帮办: deputy assistant secretary of treasury for tax analysis负责税收政策的助理财政部长: assistant secretary of treasury for tax policy负责税收政策的助理财政部长帮办: deputy assistant secretary of treasury for tax policy联邦调查局负责记录管理司的助理局长: assistant director ivestigation for records management division联邦调查局负责行政管理司的助理局长: assistant director ivestigation for administrative services division联邦调查局负责技术服务司的助理局长: assistant director ivestigation for technical services助理司法部长兼司法援助研究和统计局局长: assistant secretary and director of office justice assistance research and statistics司法部长特别助理: special assistant to the attorney general总务司法和立法部长: general affairs justice and constitution minister; minister of general affairs justice and constitution司法部长高级特别助理: senior special assistant to the attorney general副司法部长: solicitor general; solicitorgeneral