责任: duty; responsibility的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...支付: pay; defray; payment; payoff命令: order; command; directive; i ...负有责任的: accountable; kinsman; liable对…负有责任: responsible to负有责任: accountability; obligate支付命令: order for payment; order of payments; pay warrants; payment order; warrants支付命令;委托: mandate没有责任的: unanswerable有责任的: accountable; bounden; liable; responsible承认负有责任: admission of liability负有责任买主: acquirente a titolo oneroso负有责任事件: obligating event有责任的,应责任的: responsible拨款支付命令: appropriation warrant单纯支付命令: absolute order to pay赔偿支付命令: loss order赔款支付命令: loss order确定支付命令: settlement warrant应付支付命令: warrants payable有责任的,负责的: responsible有责任的;尽责的: responsible a. morally liable for the carrying out of some duty负有责任, 有说明义务: accountability使政府负有责任: holding state accountable