In 1960 bernal pointed to the fact that some benioff zones extend to nearly 700km depth . 1961年伯纳尔指出这样的事实:某些贝尼奥夫带延伸深达700公里左右。
Long-term recycling of these materials will occur when they are melted to form magmas erupted from the benioff zone . 当这些物质熔融形成岩浆,从贝尼奥夫带喷发时,这些物质将发生长期的再循环。
Kutuzov was followed by bennigsen and his suite 库图佐夫后面是贝尼格森和侍从。
Asked benedetto , with his most ingratiating smile 贝尼代托带着他和蔼可亲的微笑问。
Because i would not annoy my little benedetto 因为我不愿意使我的小贝尼代托不高兴。