贝勒: a rank of the Manchu nobilit ...普: general; universal勒普: lopp贝勒: [满语] a rank of the manchu nobility below that of the prince (亲王)阿勒普: arup奥勒普: aulepp博勒普: borup菲勒普: fulopp赫勒普: hk hwllerup加勒普: gallep卡勒普: carip莱勒普: lellep勒普顿: lupton勒普尔: lepoer; lepoull勒普夫: loepff; lopff勒普克: loepke; lopke; roepke; ropke勒普拉: le play, (pierre-guillaume-)frederic; le pra; leplat; leprat勒普莱: leplay勒普兰: leplain; leprun勒普朗: le plan; leplant勒普勒: lepreux勒普雷: leprest勒普鲁: leproust; leproux勒普罗: lepoureau; lepreau勒普洛: luplow