贝勒: a rank of the Manchu nobilit ...塔: Buddhist pagoda; pagoda吉: lucky; auspicious; propitiou ...马姆杜艾哈迈德贝勒塔吉: mamdouh ahmed beltagui巴勒塔吉: baltagi比勒塔吉: biltagi; biltaji纳赫勒塔吉: nakhl e taqi; nakhl-e taqi阿克勒比勒塔吉: akel biltaji勒塔: rotha塔吉: tadzhi; tadzhy; taggi; taghi; tagi; tagui; taji贝勒: [满语] a rank of the manchu nobility below that of the prince (亲王)巴勒塔: balta; barletta格勒塔: grotta科勒塔: colletas克勒塔: cretaz库勒塔: koolatah勒塔克: letac勒塔纳: letanneur; rathana勒塔特: letarte勒塔伊: retail勒塔约: retaillau沃勒塔: waratah班塔吉: bantaji莫塔吉: mottaghi普塔吉: putaggi