哀悼: grieve over sb.'s death; lam ...文章: literary works; writings; es ...般: happy big的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...颂扬: laud; extol颂扬: praise; laud; extol; eulogize; chant the praise of 颂扬某人 sing sb.'s praises; shower praises on sb.; be lavish [loud] in sb.'s praise; plaster sb. with praise哀悼: grieve [mourn] over sb.'s death; lament sb.'s death 向死者家属表示深切的哀悼 express one's heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased; 哀悼亡友 mourn a deceased friend; 我们哀悼他的逝世。 we lament (over) his death称赞,颂扬: commend颂扬的: eulogistical; laudative; laudatory颂扬性: laudative颂扬者: eulogist祝福;颂扬: bless文章: 1.(短篇论著) essay; article 一篇批评文章 a critical essay2.(著作) literary works; writings 有许多关于英语阅读教学方面的文章。 there are a lot of writings dealing with the teaching of english reading.3.(暗含的意思) hidden meaning; implied meaning 其中大有文章。 there is a lot behind all this.; thereby hangs a tale哀悼的: threnetical; wailful哀悼歌: dirge; epicedium哀悼者: mourner哀痛;哀悼: mourn悲痛,哀悼: grieving吊唁,哀悼: condolence爱的颂歌: fanthem of love夸大的颂词: panegyric帕的颂堪: phakdisonggram称赞, 颂扬:即好话: eulogize恭维, 夸奖, 颂扬: make a compliment to; pay a compliment to颂扬 说坏话: extol malign