

发音:   "谤"的汉语解释   用"谤"造句
  • 动词
    [书面语] (抵毁) slander; smear; defame; vilify; make malicious attack 短语和例子
  • 谤僧毁道:    have no respect for pious bonzes and holy taoist priests
  • 傍徨在临街:    rinsstrassr
  • 谤僧骂道:    attack [abuse] taoism and buddhism; abuse buddhists and taoist priests
  • 傍徨:    hover; wander
  • 谤书:    slanderous letter


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. When do i start hitting ? i ' ve been running for two weeks
    变剩? , ?系?紧符褫?湖
  2. For i heard the defaming of many , fear on every side
  3. As a north wind brings rain , so a sly tongue brings angry looks
  4. The north wind driveth away rain : so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue
  5. The north wind brings forth rain , and a backbiting tongue , an angry countenance
    箴25 : 23北风生雨、谗人的舌头也生怒容。


        谤僧毁道:    have no respect for pious bonzes and holy taoist priests
        傍徨在临街:    rinsstrassr
        谤僧骂道:    attack [abuse] taoism and buddhism; abuse buddhists and taoist priests
        傍徨:    hover; wander
        谤书:    slanderous letter
        傍子房的:    pleurogynous
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(苞片; 包着花骨朵的小叶片) bud; the calyx of a flower 含苞未放 still in bud [calyx]; in early puberty; still a virgin; 开苞 blossom2.(姓氏) a surname 苞华 bao huaⅡ形容词[书面语] (丛生而繁密) luxuriant; profuse; thick 竹苞松茂 bamboos and pines growing in profusion
        傍妆台:    by the dressing table
        苞杯花科:    sarcolaenaceae
        傍注:    margin


        谤的法语:动 dire du mal de qn;médire;calomnier;diffamer
        谤的日语:*谤bàng (人を)そしる.悪口を言う. 毁huǐ谤/そしる. 谤书/人をそしる手紙または書物. 【熟語】诽fěi谤
        谤的韩语:[동사]【문어】 비방하다. 헐뜯다. 毁谤; 훼방하다. 비방하다
        谤的俄语:[bàng] тк. в соч.; = 謗 клеветать; клевета
        谤什么意思:(謗) bàng ㄅㄤˋ 1)恶意攻击别人,说别人的坏话:~讥。~讪。~议。~毁。诽~。 2)责备:~木(传说中舜设立的供人写谏言的木牌,后代仿效。亦称“华表木”)。“厉王虐,国人~王”。 ·参考词汇: defame slander vilify 诽谤 腹诽心谤 毁谤 谤毁 心谤腹非 使性谤气 飞谋荐谤 谤书 飞谋钓谤 薏苡蒙谤 腹非心谤 弭谤 薏苡之谤 谏尸谤屠 谤议 谤...


  1. "傍注"英文
  2. "傍妆台"英文
  3. "傍子房的"英文
  4. "傍徨"英文
  5. "傍徨在临街"英文
  6. "谤僧毁道"英文
  7. "谤僧骂道"英文
  8. "谤书"英文
  9. "苞"英文
  10. "苞杯花科"英文


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