

发音:   用"谈心情"造句
  • talking about mood
  • 谈心:    have a heart-to-heart talk
  • :    feeling; affection; sentimen ...
  • 心情:    mood; feeling tone; frame [state] of mind 心情不平静 an unquiet heart; 心情很平静 well-balanced heart; 心情无比激动 be most excited; be thrilled with joy; 悲痛的心情 with grief; 沉重的心情 with a heavy heart; 愉快的心情 with pleasure [delight]; 我心情激动。 my breast is filled with emotion.; 心情失调 dysnoia
  • 交心,谈心:    heart to heart
  • 与…谈心:    have a talk with


        谈心:    have a heart-to-heart talk
        :    feeling; affection; sentimen ...
        心情:    mood; feeling tone; frame [state] of mind 心情不平静 an unquiet heart; 心情很平静 well-balanced heart; 心情无比激动 be most excited; be thrilled with joy; 悲痛的心情 with grief; 沉重的心情 with a heavy heart; 愉快的心情 with pleasure [delight]; 我心情激动。 my breast is filled with emotion.; 心情失调 dysnoia
        交心,谈心:    heart to heart
        与…谈心:    have a talk with
        促膝谈心:    sit side by side and talk intimately; draw close together (knee to knee) and chat; have a heart-to-heart talk; have a heart-to-heart talk with sb.; have an intimate [a nice] chat together; intimate discussion knee to knee; sit together and have a heart-to-heart talk; (they) talked sitting face to face.: 他经常深入群众, 和工人们促膝谈心。 he often goes into the masses and has a heart-to-heart talk with the workers
        二人谈心:    heart to heart
        互谈心曲:    chat feelings with each other
        剪烛谈心:    snuff the candles and converse freely
        空谈心理学:    armchair psychology
        聊天谈心区:    general discussion
        屈膝谈心:    have a heart to heart talk with knees together
        谈心疗法:    talk therapy; talking cure
        与某人谈心:    have a hearttoheart with sbsb
        与您谈心:    teacher-chang
        谈谈心恋恋爱:    tan tan xin lian lian ai
        冰心情:    iceraine
        好心情:    a cheerful temper; in the mood; just be yourself; sunny day; with good humour
        坏心情:    feeling rotten
        容心情:    sunnyqq
        伤心情:    grief
        她心情:    she's under the weather
        习性, 心情:    habit of mind
        心情,情绪:    mood
        心情纷:    distracted


  1. "谈笑之中存至理"英文
  2. "谈笑中消磨时间"英文
  3. "谈笑自若"英文
  4. "谈心"英文
  5. "谈心疗法"英文
  6. "谈性色变"英文
  7. "谈性说爱"英文
  8. "谈学生英语自主学习能力的培养"英文
  9. "谈学习"英文
  10. "谈学英语"英文


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