

  • ask the tokick
  • 请示:    ask for instructions
  • 请示:    request [ask for] instructions; ask instructions from 向上级请示 ask for instructions from one's superior; ask one's superior for instructions; 地方管理机构应请示中央主管部门。 local authorities must refer everything to the central ministries
  • 上边:    anadrome side; top; above; over; upper
  • 花边儿:    lace
  • 裙边儿:    the hem of a dress


        请示:    ask for instructions
        请示:    request [ask for] instructions; ask instructions from 向上级请示 ask for instructions from one's superior; ask one's superior for instructions; 地方管理机构应请示中央主管部门。 local authorities must refer everything to the central ministries
        上边:    anadrome side; top; above; over; upper
        花边儿:    lace
        裙边儿:    the hem of a dress
        容边儿:    byfly
        碗边儿:    the rim of a bowl
        沿边儿:    trim; braid 用花边给衣服沿边儿 trim a dress with lace
        这边儿:    this way
        请示书:    referendum
        显示上级;显示上游:    show u tream; show upstream
        如上边:    di sopra
        上边舱:    wing tank
        上边带:    u er side band; u er sideband; upper side band; upper sideband usb; usb upper sideband; uside band
        上边的:    u er; upper
        上边光:    upper rim ray
        上边界:    coboundary; outer fringe; upper boundary
        上边距:    tomargin
        上边梁:    roof rail; roof side rail; side window lock
        上边频:    upper side frequency
        上边缘:    coboundary; top edge; u er limb; upper limb
        表示上下文:    presentation context
        提示上载:    prompt for upload
        显示上级:    show upstream
        显示上游:    show upstream


  1. "请示"英文
  2. "请示报告"英文
  3. "请示汇报"英文
  4. "请示汇报工作"英文
  5. "请示免跳"英文
  6. "请示神谕"英文
  7. "请示书"英文
  8. "请示同意做某事"英文
  9. "请示业主"英文
  10. "请示允许和帮助"英文


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