请求: ask; request; demand; beg策略: tactics a surname在: exist; be living汉: the Han Dynasty the Han nati ...英语: English言: speech; word使用: make use of; use; employ; ap ...中的: hit the target; hit the mark ...对比研究: contrast studies中英文商贸书信中礼貌策略的对比研究: a contrastive study of politeness strategies in chinese and english business letters含义的对比研究: contrastive studies between汉英语言中的文化因素对比: contrast of cultural factors in chinese and english英汉被动句的对比研究: comparative study on passive-voice sentences in chinese and english英汉色彩词的对比研究: the differences between chinese and english colour terms语言使用: language use对比研究: comparative study; matched study英语拟声法及其在汉英翻译中的运用: onomatopoeia and its using in chinese-english translation门窗型材用复合稳定剂的对比研究: contrast study of composite stabilizers of upvc profiles for doors and windows英汉对比研究: contrastive studies of english and chinese中英文前言中的礼貌对比研究: a contrastive study of the politeness strategy between chinese and english prefaces元认知策略在英语专业学生听力理解中的应用: a study of the application of metacognitive strategy in listening comprehension of english majors使用中的: engaged; in-service英汉礼貌语言文化对比研究: contrastive study on english-chinese language and culture of politeness principle英汉学术期刊论文摘要衔接手段的对比研究: cohesion in english and chinese academic journal abstracts成本利得对比研究: cost-benefit studies