请: request; ask某人: a certain person做: make; manufacture; produce邀请某人做某事: invite sb to do sth邀请某人做什么事: invite sb to sth请某人: treat sb to sth请某人(吃…): treat sb to sth请某人帮忙: ask sb for help; beg a favour of sb; to ask a favor of sb请某人吃饭: invite sb. to dinner/ have dinner请某人出席: we request the pleasure of your company of dinner请某人干…: call for sb to do sth请某人来: example please call in my family doctor.― request the return of something请某人来家: ask sb round; ask sb. round宴请某人: treat sb to邀请某人: extend an invitation to sb邀请某人到……: invite sb.to邀请某人去……: invite sb. to请某人帮个忙: ask a favor of sb请某人搭便车: give sb a ride请某人上楼来: invite sb uask sb to come upstairs请某人守秩序: call sb. to order请某人听音乐: entertain sb. with music邀请某人吃饭: invite sb to dinner; invite sb to have dinner with邀请某人就餐: invite sb. to a big dinner帮忙某人做: help with