请客: stand treat; entertain guest ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...就座: take one's place base; stand ...招人就座: motion a person to a seat请客人不要拘束: making a visitor feel at home邀请客人留下吃饭: inviting a visitor to stay for dinner请客人稍候时的英语会话: dialogue: w = waiter就座: take one's seat; be seated 在主席台前列就座的有 ... seated in the front row on the rostrum were...; 贵宾们依次就座。 the honoured guests took their seats in due order请客: stand treat; entertain guests; invite sb. to dinner; give a dinner party 这次由我请客。 this is my treat. 下次该谁请客了? whose turn is it to treat next使就座, 就座, 座位: seating客人: 1.(宾客) visitor; guest2.(旅客) passenger (车船的); guest (旅馆的)3.(客商) travelling merchant就座,坐下: take a (one's) seat就座的: seated入座, 就座: take a chair使就座: chair; seating; shameful坐下,就座: take a seat我请客: it's my treat; this is my treat招待;请客: treat作东, 请客: stand treat匆匆就座: take one's place with a rush; take a seat in haste; seat oneself in haste入席就座: take one's seat at the table一一就座: seat themselves one after another依次就座: take seats in proper order; go to one's seat in due order; sit in order of seniority对待,医疗,请客: treat公款请客: banquet paid for by public funds