It is more important that the explanation should be clear than that it should cover every possible exception . 说明清楚明白,比罗列各种可能的例外更为重要。
He had to spell out the plan in detail to persuade the investors 为了说服投资人,他不得不把整个计划细细说明清楚。
He have to spell out the plan in detail to persuade the investor 为了说服投资人,他不得不把整个计划细细说明清楚。
Details of the documents and information that should be submitted together with the return forms are specified therein 附注及说明清楚列明必须连同报税表一并递交的文件及资料。
The types of supporting documents and information required to be submitted together with the return forms are specified therein 该附注及说明清楚列明必须连同报税表一并递交的文件及资料。
说明: explain; illustrate; show清楚: clear; distinct布线说明清单: form-to-list解释清楚,说明: put across; put over说明,讲清楚: to make... clear说明,弄(讲)清楚: make clear讲清楚, 清楚地说明: spell out讲清楚说明白: bulldozzer remix揭示,说明,解释清楚: throw light on拼写出;琢磨出;清楚地说明: spell out说明;解释;提供线索;使清楚起来: throw/shed light on何明清: kathleen hall施明清: shi mq清楚: 1.(容易让人了解、辨认) clear; distinct 把工作交代清楚 explain one's job clearly on handing it over; 把事情谈清楚 talk the matter over; 字迹清楚 written in a clear hand; 发音清楚 a clear pronunciation; 一清二楚 (as) clear as daylight; 来历清楚 have a clear record; 清楚的笔迹 a distinct writing; 我讲清楚了没有? have i made myself clear?2.(不糊涂) clear; lucid 头脑清楚 a clear head [mind]; 头脑清楚的人 a lucid thinker3.(了解) be clear about; understand 你恐怕不清楚这个问题吧。 perhaps you don't understand this question举例可以清楚地说明这个问题: the examples will make this clear明清档案: study of policies and theories on nation alities明清风格: and at last the architecture of ming and qing dynasties明清皇宫: imperial palace of the ming and qing dynasties明清皇陵: imperial tombs of ming and qing dynasties明清研究会: ming qing yanjiuhui明清养生法: dieting problem of modern life v.s proper dieting way of ming ching dynasty透明清澈: limpid in sight透明清漆: clear lacquer; clear varnish说明: 1.(解释明白) explain; illustrate; show 说明理由 give reasons; 说明真相 give the facts; 以图画说明 explain by pictures; 举例说明 illustrate by examples; 这一点我后面再作说明。 i shall explain that later on. 制作方法将在下一章说明。 the manufacturing methods will be illustrated in the next chapter. 事实充分说明这种做法是正确的。 the results show clearly that this procedure is correct. 代表团认为有必要说明自己的立场。 the delegation deems it necessary to state its position.2.(解释意义的话) illustration; instruction; explication; specification; interpretation; demonstration; declaration; explanatory notes; explanation; directions; caption 图片下边附有说明。 there is a caption under the picture. 事实本身就是很好的说明。 facts speak for themselves.; 说明词 declarer; label; discription; 说明符 descriptor; declarator; 说明函 covering letter; 说明卡 instruction card; 说明卡片 reader; 说明书 (a booklet of) directions; synopsis (of a play or film); explanatory memorandum; instruction book; specification sheets; spec.; specifications; manual; 说明提要 descriptive abstract; 说明图 explanatory drawing; 说明图表 instruction sheets; 说明文 expository writing; exposition; 说明文件 supporting paper; 说明语句 [计算机] delarative statement; 说明资料 detail file; 说明字幕 telltale title; continuity title明清单色釉瓷: monochrome ceramics of the ming and ching dynasties