语境: context与: take part in; participate in文化: civilization; culture意象: image; imagery; imago词语: words and expressions; terms的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...论文化图式和英语文化词语的翻译: the cultural schemata and the translation of english cultural terms英语隐喻词语的翻译: approaches to translation of english metaphorical words主语的翻译: translation of subject英文报刊中隐喻词语的翻译: on the translation of metaphor in english publications浅谈词语的象征意义与文化内涵: on the figurative meaning and the cultural connotation of words跨文化交际与词语的文化涵义翻译: cross-cultural communication and translation of culture-loaded words隐喻词语的文化阐释及其翻译: the culture explaining and translation of the metaphor phrase语境与词语内涵意义: cognition context and word connotative meaning小议术语的翻译: on translation of terminology英语习语的翻译: english idioms and the translation英禁忌语的文化意蕴: a brief discussion of chinese and english taboo words文化语境与词汇教学: cultural context and vocabulary teaching浅谈词汇涵义与文化语境: on connotative meaning of words and cultural context科技英语的翻译技巧: translation skills of scitech english论中医脉象术语的翻译: on the english translation of tcm pulse picture terms英语科技术语的翻译: on the translation of scientific and technical terms from english to chinese课堂教学中的语言与文化意识: language/culture awareness in the classroom语言与文化意义上的性刺激不平等: linguistic & cultural erogenous inequality