详述: explain; dilate; discuss; ex ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...原理: principle; tenet; axiom; the ...详述的: detailed; expatiatory逐点详述的: point-by-point详述的, 清楚的, 直言的: explicit彩虹的原理: reason for rainbows动力的原理: kinetic principles根本的原理: ultimata公认的原理: accepted principle详述: explain; dilate; discuss; expatiate; cover the waterfront; specify 详述一个题目 expatiate on [upon] a subject基本的原理,基础: fundamental有关其他不再详述的人或事: regarding additional unspecified people or things部分准备制的原理: the fractional reserve principle各种支配的原理: presiding principles根据这样的原理: his british sympathies激素作用的原理: mechanisms of hormone action气体交换的原理: principle of gas exchange水面滑走的原理: hydroplane按速度选择目标的原理: velocity selector principle语料库的原理及应用: principles of corpus linguistics and its application这个系统的原理没有问题: the principle of this system is okay重复的原理图图纸序号: duplicate sheet numbers背诵,详述: recite凝思;详述: dwell on