One of the first tasks of the recovery team will be to organize surveys of the main non - breeding grounds for this shorebird in the bay of bengal bangladesh , which has previously not been surveyed extensively 救援小组的首个任务是前往这种滨鸟的主要非繁殖地孟加拉湾,进行比以往详尽的调查。
The paper investigate , research , and analyze the historic district in chengnan of quanzhou from the various point and aspect of history , culture , society , economy , the character of architecture environment , and the public inclination 本部分在城市到街区单体的范畴内,从历史、文化、社会、经济、建筑环境特征、公众意愿等各个角度、层面对泉州城南历史街区作了较为详尽的调查、研究、分析。
Part three has expounded further the explorations investigated rs activities in it environment in several middle schools in lan zhou and the relevant analysis based on those . such aspects as it environment , schools , teachers , students and practice of pbl activities are investigated . it was found that those schools who have no any pbl activity are lack of finance , it facility , rs knowledge , consciousness for rs from leaders in schools , effective organizing activities for pbl , and teachers " research capabilities for pbl ; on the contrast , those schools who have pbl activities achieved many benefits such as students " improved capabilities of acquiring , analyzing , evaluating , and processing information , changes of students " traditional studying manners , students " advanced capacities of synthetically applying knowledge , communication and cooperation , students " developed creative intelligence and practice abilities on research , students " high social responsibility and courage facing to frustration , extended modern education concept and increased performance of teachers , update of schools " facilities , innovation of schools " management system 在本部分,论文通过初步走访调研、问卷调查,研究从信息技术环境、学校、教师、学生以及研究性学习活动开展的具体实施情况几个层面进行了详尽的调查,发现了在未开展活动的学校主要存在以下原因:资金短缺、信息技术环境落后;师生有关研究性学习活动的理论素养贫乏;学校领导思想意识不到位,对研究性学习活动的领导组织不得力;教师的业务能力、科研水平低下等原因;同时也分析了开展活动的学校在活动中取得的收益和存在的不足,其中收获有:学生方面培养了学生获取、评价、处理和分析信息等多方面的能力、转变了学生的学习方式、培养了学生综合运用知识的能力、培养了学生的创新精神和研究的实践能力、增强了学生与他人交往、协同工作的能力、增强了学生的社会责任感以及面对困难、战胜挫折的心理素质;更新了教师的现代教育教学观念和意识,提高了教师的业务能力和素质;加快了学校教学设施的完善和更新,推动了学校各种管理体制、激励机制的改革。
Chapter i - presents a survey on the present condition of infants " education of music . based on the data collected from the questionnaire done on the infants and parents , this chapter analyses their studying purpose , studying process in detail , and found out the problems on infants " education of music 通过对学习音乐的幼儿及幼儿家长的调查问卷与结果,就目前学习音乐幼儿的学习目的、过程、幼儿音乐教师及幼儿家长等方面做了较详尽的调查统计,总结了当前我国幼儿音乐教育存在的主要问题。
I found that the college had existed these problems such that the teaching aim was flashy and without substance , the teaching curriculums were blindly copied indiscriminately and inappropriate between the easiness and difficulty , the teaching condition was not enough standard , the teachers did n ' t have enough actual strength and their structure lost its balance and was unstable , the basis of students was weak and they did n ' t study hard , the teaching administration was as much too painstaking as the high schools or primary schools did 首先对学院的教学系统中的教学目标、教学课程、教学管理、教学条件、教师实力和学生状况等因素作了较为深入详尽的调查访问,然后整理素材,离析问题,结果发现该院当前存在着教学目标华而不实;教学课程盲目照搬,难易失衡;教学条件不太达标;教师实力不足,结构不稳:学生基础薄弱,学习不力;教学管理“中小学化”等问题。
详尽: detailed; exhaustive; thorou ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...调查: investigate; examine; inquir ...详尽的: at large; circumstantial; comprehensive; exhaustive; extensive; full; thorough极为详尽的: blow-by-blow详尽的报道: as they occur详尽的报告: full report详尽的计划: blowup详尽的记述: elaborate account详尽的记载: a detailed record详尽的描写: thorough description详尽的研究: scrutiny详尽的指示: elaborate directions广泛详尽的报告: extensive report进行详尽的研究: make an exhaustive study精心计划的,详尽的: elaborate详尽的执行计划: detailed plan of implementation彻底的调查: thorough investigation对……的调查: inquiry into; inquiryinto放弃的调查: abandoned investigations工业的调查: census of manufacturing全乖的调查: a nationwide survey campaign etcc事故的调查: accident/incident investigation,reporting and filing; accident/incident investigation,reporting and filing极为详尽的, 逐一记录的: blow-by-blow详尽的, 精心制作的, 煞费苦心的: elaborative