By focusing the mind one can transform less stable beta waves into deeper a alpha waves , thus substantially increasing ones ability to judge and understand , and subsequently producing a drastic and noticeable improvement in learning efficiency . at the same time , a positive attitude can help one overcome obstacles in learning , offset the negative aspects of the subconscious and enable one to interpret the environment from a constructive standpoint . and like focusing , positive thinking also improves learning efficiency 他指出专心与正面积极的态度可以增进学习效率,因为专心可以让脑波从较不稳定的beta波转换为深层的alpha波,这会大幅提升对于事物的判断力与理解力,进而在学习效率上有大幅度明显的改善而正面积极的态度则可以克服学习障碍,淡化潜意识的否定本质,改由正面的角度来诠释情境,进而提升学习效率。