

发音:   用"诗的破格"造句
  • poetic licence
  • :    poetry; verse; poem
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 破格:    break a rule; make an except ...
  • 破格:    break a rule; make an exception 破格录用 break a rule to engage sb.; 破格接待 break protocol to honour sb.; 破格提升 break a rule to promote sb.; exceptional promotion; bypass convention to promote sb.; 破格任用 appoint sb. to a post, waiving the normal procedure -- a special favour; 破格选才 recruit people without overstressing qualifications
  • 诗的:    poetical


        :    poetry; verse; poem
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        破格:    break a rule; make an except ...
        破格:    break a rule; make an exception 破格录用 break a rule to engage sb.; 破格接待 break protocol to honour sb.; 破格提升 break a rule to promote sb.; exceptional promotion; bypass convention to promote sb.; 破格任用 appoint sb. to a post, waiving the normal procedure -- a special favour; 破格选才 recruit people without overstressing qualifications
        诗的:    poetical
        破格的:    abnormal; atypic; irregular
        圣诗的:    psalmodic
        史诗的:    epic
        像诗的:    1like or suggesting poetry esp. in being graceful and aesthetically leasing
        打破格局:    break the status quo; find a way out of the situation
        破格接待:    break protocol to honour sb
        破格录用:    break a rule to engage sb
        破格起用:    promote able people by breaking conventions
        破格任用:    a special favour
        破格提升:    exceptional promotion
        破格文体:    anacoluthia
        破格选才:    recruit people without overstressing qualifications
        它的破:    and it's breakin' my heart in two
        诗的公正, 诗的报应:    poetic justice; poetical justice
        破格摇摆乐眼:    punk eye
        (诗的)音步,韵律:    merter
        长诗的篇:    canto
        离合诗的:    acrostic
        诗的半句:    hemistich
        诗的表现:    poetry


  1. "诗的, 用诗写成的, 韵文的, 理想化了的"英文
  2. "诗的半句"英文
  3. "诗的表现"英文
  4. "诗的公正, 诗的报应"英文
  5. "诗的灵感"英文
  6. "诗的艺术"英文
  7. "诗的主题"英文
  8. "诗狄娜"英文
  9. "诗地加兰"英文
  10. "诗洞"英文


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