试卷: examination paper; test pape ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...批改: correct错误之处的批改记号: right mark etc put in place of sth wrong批改: correct 批改作业 correct students' papers试卷: examination paper; test paper 批阅试卷 go over examination papers卷的: capreolate; circumflex给老师批改: give to lecturer for marking批改考卷: mark the papers批改原因: endorsement reason批改作业: check of work测试卷: just for test; u1-u2; unit1-unit2考试卷: examination paper试卷二: test paper two试卷类: questionpaper试卷一: paper one; paperl成卷的: rolled; volumed多卷的: multivolumed反卷的: reflexed; warped开卷的: open-book内卷的: involuted扭卷的: tortile盘卷的: tortile拳卷的: circinal; circinate双卷的: twofold