词: speech; statement; lines of ...库: warehouse; storehouse词库机: dictionary machine和词库: thesauri名词库: thesaurus词库了吗: trados专业词库: t78_twordlib公用检索词库: common item pool词库 近义词词汇 同义词词汇: thesaurus词库选择中的浮动约束: floating constraints in lexical choice大术语词库咨询委员会: macrothesaurus advisory committee内容取自大英国协词库: the british national corpus增量处理与层级词库: incremental processing and the hierarchical lexicon从心理词库理论的角度思考词汇教学: viewing vocabulary instruction from the theory of the mental lexicon词控表: word control list词可懂度: word intelligibility词句重组测验: disarranged sentence test; disarranged-sentence test; sentence test词句法: morphosyntax词来自梵文: chakra词句;表达;表情: expression