词典: dictionary正: the first month of the lunar ...词典正文: az; the dictionary a-z; the dictionarya-z典正: norimasa这部词典正在审订之中: the dictionary is under examination and revision词典: dictionary; lexicon 简明词典 concise dictionary; 双语词典 bilingual dictionary; 袖珍词典 pocket dictionary; 查词典 consult the dictionary; look up a word in the dictionary; 词典编纂法 lexicography; 词典树 lexicographic tree 辞典正文: the dictionary a-z古典正态线性回归: cnlr classical normal linear regression编词典: compile a dictionary; lexicality查词典: look up a word in the dictionary词典的: lexicographic词典树: lexicographic tree词典学: lexicography◇词典学家 lexicographer活词典: walking dictionary小词典: glossary英词典: tibetan-english dictionary of buddhist teaching and practice字典,词典: dictionary古典正态线性回归模型: classical normal linear regression model经典正态线性回归模型: classical normal linear regression model词典的, 词典编辑的: lexicographic机器词典, 自动化词典: mechanized dictionary本词典体例: a guldetothe dictionary编纂词典: compile a dictionary标志词典: denotation dictionary财政学词典: mass communication dictionary