

发音:   用"评论周刊"造句


  1. Wine drinkers tend to buy ier food than beer drinkers , according to a danish study published tuesday on the of a weekly medical review
  2. Wine drinkers tend to buy healthier food than beer drinkers , according to a danish study published tuesday on the website of a weekly medical review


        评论:    comment on; discuss; make co ...
        周刊:    weekly; weekly magazine; wee ...
        商业评论周刊:    brw; business review weekly
        巴基斯坦新闻评论周刊:    weekly commentary and pakistan news digest
        评论周报:    vecko revyn; vecko-revyn
        周刊:    weekly; weekly magazine; weekly publication
        评论:    1.(批评或议论) comment on; discuss; make [give] comment on; deliver oneself of sth.; point the conversation at sb. [sth.]; enlarge upon [on] sth.; review 评论是非 discuss right and wrong; 不加评论 make no remark; 评论那件事 remark upon the event; 它引起了新闻界的广泛评论。 it created wide comment in the press. 对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足。 comment upon this would be to paint the lily.2.(批评或议论的文章) comment; commentary; review; appreciation; appraisal; criticism 电影评论 motion-picture review; 法律评论 a law review; 为一家报纸写评论 review for a newspaper; 时事评论 comments on current events; 小评论 short comment; 评论文章 comment on an article; 评论家 critic; reviewer; 评论目录学 bibliography; 评论员 commentator
        周刊(双周刊):    weekly(biweekly)
        《银幕》周刊:    screen
        半周刊:    twice weekly
        代周刊:    time magazine
        东周刊:    east week
        告周刊:    adweek
        今周刊:    businesstoday
        快周刊:    express weekly; issue 456
        琳周刊:    maclean's
        三周刊:    triweekly
        双周刊:    biweekly; fortnightly
        网周刊:    ecn
        新周刊:    new weekly; ny vikutidindi
        壹周刊:    next magazine
        周刊,月刊:    periodical; weekly and monthly journal; weekly or monthly journal
        周刊的:    weekly
        周刊志:    aera; tv station
        评论的评论:    review of reviews


  1. "评论员张诺佳"英文
  2. "评论员冼信"英文
  3. "评论杂志"英文
  4. "评论者"英文
  5. "评论周报"英文
  6. "评论自我与他人"英文
  7. "评判"英文
  8. "评判报"英文
  9. "评判标准"英文
  10. "评判表"英文


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