

  • commentate
  • 评论:    comment on; discuss; make co ...
  • 解释:    explain; expound; interpret; ...
  • 评论:    1.(批评或议论) comment on; discuss; make [give] comment on; deliver oneself of sth.; point the conversation at sb. [sth.]; enlarge upon [on] sth.; review 评论是非 discuss right and wrong; 不加评论 make no remark; 评论那件事 remark upon the event; 它引起了新闻界的广泛评论。 it created wide comment in the press. 对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足。 comment upon this would be to paint the lily.2.(批评或议论的文章) comment; commentary; review; appreciation; appraisal; criticism 电影评论 motion-picture review; 法律评论 a law review; 为一家报纸写评论 review for a newspaper; 时事评论 comments on current events; 小评论 short comment; 评论文章 comment on an article; 评论家 critic; reviewer; 评论目录学 bibliography; 评论员 commentator
  • 评论的评论:    review of reviews
  • 号解释:    source


        评论:    comment on; discuss; make co ...
        解释:    explain; expound; interpret; ...
        解释:    explain; expound; interpret; explicate; elucidate; tale 解释法律 interpret laws; 解释新词 explain a new word; 权威解释 authentic interpretation; 解释工作 explanation; 对本协议在解释上若有分歧, 应以 ... 文本为准。 in case there is any divergence of interpretation of this agreement, the ... text shall prevail. 她的解释消除了我的怀疑。 she managed to explain away my doubts. 请用英语把它恰当地解释一下。 explain it properly in english, please.; 解释代码 interpretive code; 解释法 interpretative method; interpretation act; 解释方案 interpretative version; 解释权 power of interpretation; right to interpret; 解释图 key-drawing
        评论:    1.(批评或议论) comment on; discuss; make [give] comment on; deliver oneself of sth.; point the conversation at sb. [sth.]; enlarge upon [on] sth.; review 评论是非 discuss right and wrong; 不加评论 make no remark; 评论那件事 remark upon the event; 它引起了新闻界的广泛评论。 it created wide comment in the press. 对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足。 comment upon this would be to paint the lily.2.(批评或议论的文章) comment; commentary; review; appreciation; appraisal; criticism 电影评论 motion-picture review; 法律评论 a law review; 为一家报纸写评论 review for a newspaper; 时事评论 comments on current events; 小评论 short comment; 评论文章 comment on an article; 评论家 critic; reviewer; 评论目录学 bibliography; 评论员 commentator
        评论的评论:    review of reviews
        号解释:    source
        解释,译解:    decipher
        解释,67:    explanations
        解释,阐明:    make clear
        解释,澄清:    clarification
        解释,分析:    construe
        解释,诠释:    interpretation
        解释;限定:    define
        解释的:    constructive; elucidative; explanatory; explicative; explicatory; expositive; expository; hermeneutic; interpretative; interpreting; interpretive
        解释度:    resolution
        解释法:    interpretive method
        解释机:    explaining engine
        解释码:    interpreter code; interpretive code
        解释器:    bytecode interpreter; relolver; rip; translator
        解释权:    authority for the interpretation; authorityfortheinterpretation; power of interpretation; right to interpret
        解释说:    explain
        解释图:    interpretation maps; key drawing; key-drawing
        解释性:    explanatory; interpretative◇解释性报道 interpretative reporting; 解释性标题 subtitle; 解释性备忘录 explanatory memorandum; 解释性法规 declaratory statute; 解释性发言 explanatory statement; 解释性方法 explanatory methods; 解释性条款 interpretation clause
        解释学:    hermeneutics; interpretation of cultures
        解释域:    domain of interpretation


  1. "评量"英文
  2. "评量参加者的技术程度"英文
  3. "评论"英文
  4. "评论 澄迈电视台"英文
  5. "评论, 议论"英文
  6. "评论,谈论,议论"英文
  7. "评论,注释"英文
  8. "评论(文章),综述"英文
  9. "评论,发表意见"英文
  10. "评论,解说"英文


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